Try installing these packages. Sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config python-opengl python-pil python-pyrex python-pyside.qtopengl idle-python2.7 qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer libqtgui4 libqtcore4 libqt4-xml libqt4-test libqt4-script libqt4-network libqt4-dbus python-qt4 python-qt4-gl libgle3 python-dev libssl-dev sudo easyinstall greenlet sudo easyinstall gevent.


Here’s the command to get everything at once: sudo apt-get install gcc automake autoconf libtool bison swig python-dev libpulse-dev. Installing CMU-SPHINX Installing sphinxbase. Whether you’re using pocketsphinx or sphinx4, you’re going to need to install sphinxbase first. The README for the sphinxbase repository says. I'm trying to install libaio with following command line: sudo apt-get install libaio. Sudo apt-get install automake libtool autoconf gcc-g gcc libaio libaio-dev make but both of them doesn't work for me. How do I install libaio?

GStreamer is included in all Linux distributions. We recommend using the latest version of a fast moving distribution such as Fedora, Ubuntu (non-LTS), Debian sid or OpenSuse to get a recent GStreamer release.

All the commands given in this section are intended to be typed in froma terminal.

Make sure you have superuser (root) access rights to install GStreamer.

Install GStreamer on Fedora

Run the following command:

Sudo apt-get install libtool

Install GStreamer on Ubuntu or Debian

Run the following command:

apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-doc gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-x gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-gl gstreamer1.0-gtk3 gstreamer1.0-qt5 gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio

Building applications using GStreamer

The only other “development environment” that is required isthe gcc compiler and a text editor. In order to compile code thatrequires GStreamer and uses the GStreamer core library, rememberto add this string to your gcc command:

If you're using other GStreamer libraries, e.g. the video library, youhave to add additional packages after gstreamer-1.0 in the above string(gstreamer-video-1.0 for the video library, for example).

If your application is built with the help of libtool, e.g. when usingautomake/autoconf as a build system, you have to runthe configure script from inside the gst-sdk-shell environment.

Getting the tutorial's source code

The source code for the tutorials can be copied and pasted from thetutorial pages into a text file, but, for convenience, it is also availablein a GIT repository in the examples/tutorials subdirectory.

The GIT repository can be cloned with:

Building the tutorials


Using the file name of the tutorial you are interested in(basic-tutorial-1 in this example).

Depending on the GStreamer libraries you need to use, you will have to add more packages to the pkg-config command, besides gstreamer-1.0At the bottom of each tutorial's source code you will find the command for that specific tutorial, including the required libraries, in the required order.When developing your own applications, the GStreamer documentation will tell you what library a function belongs to.

Running the tutorials

To run the tutorials, simply execute the desired tutorial:

YARA is a multi-platform program running on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. You canfind the latest release at

Compiling and installing YARA¶

Download the source tarball and get prepared for compiling it:

Make sure you have automake, libtool, make and gcc and pkg-config installed in your system. Ubuntu and Debian users can use:

If you plan to modify YARA's source code you may also need flex andbison for generating lexers and parsers:

Compile and install YARA in the standard way:

Run the test cases to make sure that everything is fine:

Some of YARA's features depend on the OpenSSL library. Those features areenabled only if you have the OpenSSL library installed in your system. If not,YARA is going to work fine but you won't be able to use the disabled features.The configure script will automatically detect if OpenSSL is installed ornot. If you want to enforce the OpenSSL-dependent features you must pass--with-crypto to the configure script. Ubuntu and Debian users can usesudoapt-getinstalllibssl-dev to install the OpenSSL library.

The following modules are not compiled into YARA by default:

  • cuckoo
  • magic
  • dotnet

If you plan to use them you must pass the corresponding --enable-<modulename> arguments to the configure script.


For example:

Modules usually depend on external libraries, depending on the modules youchoose to install you'll need the following libraries:

  • cuckoo:
    Depends on Jansson for parsing JSON.Some Ubuntu and Debian versions already include a package namedlibjansson-dev, if sudoapt-getinstalllibjansson-dev doesn'twork for you then get the source code fromits repository.
  • magic:
    Depends on libmagic, a library used by the Unix standard programfile.Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS include a packagelibmagic-dev. The source code can be foundhere.

Installing with vcpkg¶

You can also download and install YARA using the vcpkg dependency manager:

The YARA port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is outof date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.

Installing on Windows¶

Compiled binaries for Windows in both 32 and 64 bit flavors can be found in thelink below. Just download the version you want, unzip the archive, and put theyara.exe and yarac.exe binaries anywhere in your disk.

Sudo Apt-get Install Libtool-bin

To install YARA using Scoop or Chocolatey, simply typescoopinstallyara or chocoinstallyara. The integration with both Scoop and Chocolatey arenot maintained their respective teams, not by the YARA authors.

Sudo Apt-get Install Autoconf Automake Libtool

Installing on Mac OS X with Homebrew¶

To install YARA using Homebrew, simply typebrewinstallyara.

Installing yara-python

If you plan to use YARA from your Python scripts you need to install theyara-python extension. Please refer to instructions on how to install it.

Running YARA for the first time¶

Now that you have installed YARA you can write a very simple rule and use thecommand-line tool to scan some file:

Don't get confused by the repeated my_first_rule in the arguments toyara, I'm just passing the same file as both the rules and the file tobe scanned. You can pass any file you want to be scanned (second argument).

If everything goes fine you should get the following output:

Which means that the file my_first_rule is matching the rule named dummy.

If you get an error like this:

It means that the loader is not finding the libyara library which islocated in /usr/local/lib. In some Linux flavors the loader doesn't look forlibraries in this path by default, we must instruct it to do so by adding/usr/local/lib to the loader configuration file /etc/

If you're using Windows PowerShell as your command shell, yaramy_first_rulemy_first_rule may return this error:

You can avoid this by using the Set-Content cmdlet to specify ascii output when creating your rule file: