This example shows how to analyze the performance of a customized Yagi-Uda antenna. Biquad Yagi antenna is popularly used in WIFI applications.

Define parameters

I have made biquad antenna for TV, reference at biquad calculator, frequensi from 470-800Mhz and place in indoor it is working good but not really good, a question is, there are way to tunning this antenna for best result. After the omnidirectionnal antennas, and the can-antenna, here comes the new one: This is a biQuad, and a double-biQuad antenna. You can find the construction guide (in Fr) here. The small one is about 11/12db. And the biggest one: 14db!! This entry was posted in Antennas and tagged antenna, diy, Wifi by admin.

Design the biquad yagi antenna to operate at 2.4GHz. Use dimensions of 30mm element for the first parasitic element followed by 31mm, 32mm, 33mm, then 34mm driven element and a 36mm reflector at the rear. Define the design parameters of the antenna as provided.

Waveguide antenna calculator. GHz / 802.11b / WiFi / WLAN. Latest version of this document More articles. This sector antenna was made from a piece of thick copper wire formed into a 'bowtie' shape (the biquad - with sides 32 millimetres) and soldered to a round N-type connector. Building a BIQUAD Antenna Introduction. We are designing an antenna to work with 802.11b WiFi systems. Wireless enthusiasts have been. Build a WiFi biquad dish antenna. We're building a biquad antenna feed because it offers very good performance. That channel information is available on the web if you look.

Create a biquad yagi antenna

Space the parasitic elements 17mm from driven element and the reflector 19mm from the driven element. You can increase and decrease the length of the Boom and, you can move the Boom by changing the BoomOffset property. Create a quadCustom antenna using the parameters defined.

Calculate the antenna impedance

Calculate the antenna impedance over the frequency range of 2.3GHz to 2.6GHz. From the figure, observe the antenna resonates around 2.4GHz.

Plot Reflection Coefficient


Plot the reflection coefficient for this antenna over the band and a reference impedance of 50 ohms.


Calculate and plot pattern


Biquad Wifi Antenna Calculator

Plot the radiation pattern for this antenna at the frequency of best match in the band.

Diy Biquad Wifi Antenna Calculator

BiquadDiy biquad wifi antenna calculator

Current distribution

See Also