TopicThe Rybka Lounge / Computer Chess / Chessbase 10
Does anybody have it yet?
How is it? (compare to Chessbase 9)
ByBigBenDate 2008-07-23 12:05Edited 2008-07-23 12:13
Yes I got mine this morning (upgrade version from chessbase 9) ... Is it worth the upgrade? well after a couple of hours playing with it I do not think so!! .... If you do not have a chess database then of course it is .... There is already an update or so it reports when you querey the update but you get an error when trying to update .... After many years chessbase have done very little other than tinker with it ....
When you register the program online a snapshot of your computers config is taken, now this can be a problem if you change hardware and it then does not allow you to register because of the hardware change ... We have been here before with lots of software and it is nothing but useless if this is what it is for ..... Is the search booster or search for doubles actually improved? NO IT IS NOT!! although it does actually delete deleted games very fast but is that worth the cost of the upgrade? .... Another feature is if you are watching a game on playchess in any of the rooms, you can reference the online database to see what games are being followed which will be ok at slower time controls but seems a waste at faster time controls and anyway is well behind our own databases.
One of the main problems with all chessbase databases, (in fact all databases) is that to keep the integrity of tournament results correct they will put games in the database with 1-0, 0-1 or simply BYE etc without the game score or worse still is not to have the full scoresheet so the stats are always useless in general ...
Still playing with the book functions but there does not seem much to shout about ... Unless you play correspondence chess the connect to the ICCF is another useless function ...
Looking forward to Aquarium (+Rybka 3) for innovation, its a shame you can't really ask for a refund where chessbase 10 is concerned
I ordered it as well and should recieve it later today. Can you load it on more than one system? Or will you have problems? I have a Laptop and Desktop that I want it loaded on.
Thanks in Advance
Ted Summers
I wait for Chess Assistant 10 by Convekta From CB8 to CB9 it was worth to upgrade. CB10 is nothing more than a CB9-update. It fixes 5 problems and make 10 new problems. Need an example ? Just look here:
If you want to prepare against an opponent, CB10 shows you wrong results ! It shows a move as winning-move and in real it is not !
....thats why I wait for Chess Assistant 10.
Clearly 2. ... Nc6 cannot be bad, but I see your point. (66.7 vs. 100%) Serious bug.

ChessBase: Reports about chess - tournaments, championships, portraits, interviews, World Championships, product launches and more. Play Blitz Chess Games. Thousands of players online now. Beautiful board graphics. All for free.Blitz Schach gratis spielen. Tausende von Spielern online. With chessbase 9 when you click to delete games the checking integrity window pops up which you could choose to cancel (i check integrity before adding games) and then the program simply carried on deleting the games but if you choose cancel integrity check with CB 10 the whole process stops:( so now deleting games takes soooooooo much longer. What we're seeing with ChessBase 10 is a smoother, faster integration of various useful features. Instead of staying with the old requirement of opening several windows to look at various pieces of information, ChessBase has been moving toward a more integrated environment.

well, CA 10 seems to be also not more than a CA9(.1) update!
ByBigBenDate 2008-07-23 18:09Edited 2008-07-23 18:17

> Can you load it on more than one system?

I think you can as it gives two ways to activate (online and offline) but it does beg the question why do they want a config of your setup????? or maybe it is just paranoia setting in :)
This should have been a free update to all Chessbase 9 owners
I do not get the same the problems as although I have already sent 3 error reports to do with the book (in its extended form) which closes chessbase 10 :(
I thought it deleted games really quick but was fooled it did not delete any!! ... With chessbase 9 when you click to delete games the checking integrity window pops up which you could choose to cancel (i check integrity before adding games) and then the program simply carried on deleting the games but if you choose cancel integrity check with CB 10 the whole process stops :( so now deleting games takes soooooooo much longer than CB9 especially if have a very large database ....
Unless I am doing something wrong this CB 10 is looking like garbage
Arghh, I hate those kinds of invasive activations. I might not buy it just because of that.
The BIGGER question is will they be in Rykba III?
My first impression of CB10 is not good. I can't get online activation to work. It has crashed several times when trying to use the new opening book functions. Arghhhh.. what did I expect from CB .. software that works ??!
Have you noticed there is also a problem setting engine hash to anything greater than 786MB, not matter how much memory you have installed. Under CB9 I can use 3 GB.

>Have you noticed there is also a problem setting engine hash to anything greater than 786MB, not matter how much memory you have installed. Under CB9 I can use 3 GB

Hi Ted, I do not have your problem, I set the hash to 1024 and it loaded without any issues.Chessbase
Do you have CB9 installed?
Yes, Should I uninstall CB9?

>Yes, Should I uninstall CB9?

Hi, I did (after first re-imageing my HD) and cleaned the registry of CB9 junk before installing CB10 and it has helped a little. Some things are annoying such as in the game reference window if you right click and choose optimize column widths so you can see all the figures IT SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK so you have to drag em manually while it works fine in other windows `Rant off` :)
I did a complete removal of CB9 and 10, then reinstalled 10. The problem still exist, same problem on both my laptop and my desktop.

>I did a complete removal of CB9 and 10, then reinstalled 10. The problem still exist, same problem on both my laptop and my desktop

Chessbase 10

Chessbase 10 Download Free

Hi, Not sure then m8 ... Do you have any problems setting the amount of Ram CB10 sets to use with your reference database? ... Not sure it makes any difference but are on 32bit or 64bit
ByTedSummersDate 2008-07-28 09:05Edited 2008-07-28 09:18
Yes the amount of ram for reference max out at 1024. Both systems are 64-bit. Under CB9 it max out at 4GB for reference.
4GB Ram
64-bit Vista Ultimate /SP1
Core2Quad (Q6700)
8GB Ram
64-bit Vista Ultimate /SP1
Hi Ted,
That pic is showing the total amount of RAM in the machine is only 1024 ... Mine is showing 4GB+
ByTedSummersDate 2008-07-28 09:31Edited 2008-07-28 09:35
I know the values it (CB10) thinks I have are wrong, however CB9 see's the correct values on the same machines.
Hi Ted, Can you just check the RAM in the system properties (maybe it is a Vista prob?) ... Ted if you have MSN or Yahoo send me a PM with your name and I can chat direct lol .. I promise I am house trained :)
ByTedSummersDate 2008-07-28 09:57Edited 2008-07-28 10:04
It's not a vista problem if it works with CB9 on the same OS
Hi, Thats a puzzler, all I can suggest is sending the image of the problem to info@chessbase and see what they say and hope like me they release a patch ASAP
I found the Problem, I had set it to use XP compatibility mode so my activation would go thru, when I removed XP compatibility mode everything now works fine. It now see all of my memory!
Thanks for your help BigBen :)
LMAO, I would never have worked that out :) ... So is it a bug with CB10 as you cant activate it with Vista? and have to use compatibility mode as you would have thought CB10 is Vista friendly
Well lets put it this way, when I 1st tried to activate it, it would not go thru, however after I put it in XP compatibility mode it activated right away. Never thought to remove XP compatibility mode until now ....
C'mon Ben. This is the typical Chessbase purchase experience. I could have written most of this review and I don't know anything about CB10! :-)
The only surprising thing is that they are still keying it to the hardware configuration. This is obviously a major hassle for people that change their hardware more often than their underwear. :-)

>C'mon Ben. This is the typical Chessbase purchase experience. I could have written most of this review and I don't know anything about CB10!

>The only surprising thing is that they are still keying it to the hardware configuration. This is obviously a major hassle for people that change their hardware more often than their underwear.

Hi Alan, I really do not know if it is the same for all chessbase products lol but CB10 is really standing out for me .... Of course keying it to the hardware is CB trying to stop illegal copies being used but a real buyer is the one who tends to suffer in some way, although you can deactivate CB10 which maybe the way they have chosen for users to move to new hardware BUT I guarentee so many people would forget to do this and then run into problems.
got mine this morning,it will not load onto any of my 3 computer,2 core,4 core or 8 core. faulty disc?
Oh hell, what a fiasco. After reading these reports I am inclined to send back my upgrade unopened. Everything I am reading is a major red flag.
For that matter I can't load my old CB9 disk onto my newest computer. Maybe it doesn't like 64-bit?

> For that matter I can't load my old CB9 disk onto my newest computer. Maybe it doesn't like 64-bit?

Works here (Win2008 x64).
Well, better than CB10 seems to, anyway. ;-)
This morning I tried to get the online upgrade and am now told I have an invalid serial number WTF!!! :( I activated the program online yesterday morning ... I have emailed chessbase about all these bugsproblems and for the first time ever I have contacted the London Chess Center and asked to return the software for a full refund .... I had no problems installing CB 10 on a 64 bit OS
Do we know much about the improvements in Chess assistant 10 over CA 9 ... It is hard to believe (or maybe not) that chessbase can after years of work (or maybe not) release and worse still charge chessbase 9 owners for this software ...
I am happy now I chose to buy Deep Rybka 3 + Aquarium through convekta
Well ... I am glad I didn't order it yet. I am surprised it has so many bugs and this silly protection is really a turn off. I think I will hold on to my CB9 for a while longer and try out Aquarium. At least with Aquarium if we have a problem we have somewhere to post about it and get a response.
I have been contacted by chessbase and The London chess center:
Chessbase said:
Thanks for your mails and the feedback.
First of all, there is of course no online upgrade for CB 10 by now for the program was just released this week.
Needless to say, the program should show a message like 'No upgrade available yet'. For the moment you should simply not start the feature. I guess that it will take at least 2 or 3 weeks for the first online upgrade for CB 10.
This upgrade should fix most of the problems that you have mentioned in your mail below.
Yours sincerely,
Steffen Giehring
Phone 0049-40-63 90 60 10
ChessBase Schachprogramme Schachdatenbank Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Mexikoring 35 - 22297 Hamburg
Telefon: 040-63 90 60 0 - Fax: 040 630 12 82
GF: Matthias Wüllenweber und Rainer Woisin
HR Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 40336
UST-ID-Nr. DE 118644875
I then emailed Steffen Giehring a pic showing that CB 10 does indeed think there is an update available only to be given an error code upon attempting to download etc
Malcolm from the LCC has offered me a refund although wondered if it is worth waiting for an update with any chessbase fixes
Seems like chessbase has moved into the microsoft territorywhen their software needs fixing as soon as it appears on the market :(
I havent tried anything yet with big databases in CB10 . Thanks for the heads up though. I have submitted 3 problem reports to CB and have yet to receive any response. In my experiences over the years this is unfortunately very typical :(
Here are my 3 reports. The only thing that has been resolved is online activation . No feedback at all from CB
'Please update your website as this report is for ChessBase 10. First problem is I can not use online activation due to server timeouts. This has been going on for over a day. Second problem is CB10 crashes when I use the new opening book option to display next move '
'I have a minor display problem with CB10. The initial layout of CB10 after startup has more space between the lines than before. Its annoying enough that all of 'My Databases' doesnt fit on one screen anymore. This did not happen in CB9. I can circumvent the problem by entering View/Symbols and then back to View/Details. With this my older view with less space between the lines is restored. Very wierd. This has happened on both my desktop and notebook so its not an issue of video cards or drivers. Its also not an issue of font options because there isnt anyway (that I know of) to change the fonts used by the initial display of CB10 after startup'
'More CB problems :( This time I have an issue with 6man Nalimov tablebases. First let me state clearly that these EGTB's are fine as they work well with all my UCI engines (Rybka, Shredder, Hiatcs) in both the CB9 and Deep Fritz 10 gui. Its only when I add a kibitzer engine in CB10 that I have a problem. I have also checked the path definitions in options and they are correct. When I try to load a kibitzer engine with 6man EGTB's it usually works the first time. However if I unload that engine and then load it again I get message 'Engine Load Error' or the engine just disappears. The problem is consistent. Nothing like this happens in CB9 or Deep Fritz 10. This is the 3rd problem report I have submitted to you, It would be nice to get some feedback. I am seriously considering asking for a refund.'
The activation time out may have been due to the amount of people trying to activate but that is only a guess ... I dont have your EGTB problem or screen layout issues ... The fonts are different but I just went through everything setting it up as i like it (i do have a 24' LCD) before making an image ...
I have been emailing Steffen Giehring of chessbase with the problems that are happening or the things that do not work correctly but work fine with Chessbase 9 ... The problems center around the deletion of games,integrity check and sorting databases but this has to do with large databases (8 million games+) ....
Make sure you have a backup of any bases in case of disaster, I have had incidents where all 8 million games got resorted to show the same year `1996` and the same name for white and black players (yes all 8 million games) ... If a problem happens the program tells you it is regenerating the data which worked fine with CB9 but `ouch` with CB10 ... You used to be able to skip the `integrity check` (I always do this anyway before adding to the main base) for various operations with CB9 but if you try with CB10 the whole operation stops ....
At the moment I am going through adding a 8 million game database to a 4 million game one making sure no doubles get saved, this is a long haul project even on a 4Ghz plus machine ... Its a shame that CB10 is not MP which may have helped here ...
Another difference is if you are looking at a game with the engine running at click reference, the engine now stops while searching which used to be a CB9 bug I think plus it gives you a critical lines window now which you cant seem to turn off, it use to be optional with CB9 I think but I rarely used it ...
It does not do what CB reckoned as it does not delete games or find doubles or search databases faster than CB9
Welcome to the (unpaid) Chessbase BETA testing world :) :(
from ChessBase :
Dear Chess Friend,
thank you very much for your email and the information.
We are working for a solution. An Update should available soon. I forward
your description to our developer team.
from ChessBase :
Dear Chess Friend,
thank you very much for your email and the information.
We are working for a solution. An Update should available soon. I forward
your description to our write only mailbox.

It's bad enough that they responded to your problem report with a form letter. Even worse, they couldn't take the time to put all the words into their form letter or use proper English.

>It's bad enough that they responded to your problem report with a form letter. Even worse, they couldn't take the time to put all the words into their form letter or use proper English.

I have to agree after all they manage to print there manuals in different languages but also I could not go from English to German and bablefish gives very strange results at times lol :)
A response from CB in regards to 6 man tablebase issues :
Peter Schreiner
ChessBase GmbH
the problem with the TableBases is a known problem. I hope, that we can
offer a solution soon. Thanks in advance for your patience

There is light at the end of the CB10 tunnel. Or is just an entrance to another tunnel ?
Another CB 10 bug ..this one really 'bugs' me :)
Typical scenario
Run integrity check on a large database
Several errors are noted
Copy the error text and then paste the game number from the clipboard
Open up CB and the database in question
Enter Ctrl+G and a mini window named 'Enter Number' pops up allowing you to go directly to a specific game number
And here is where CB10 messes up. On my system I can only enter 5 digits which is worthess on a dataset with more than 99,999 games
Of course this does not happen on CB9 where I can enter 7 digits

>And here is where CB10 messes up. On my system I can only enter 5 digits which is worthess on a dataset with more than 99,999 games
>Of course this does not happen on CB9 where I can enter 7 digits

Hi, I do not have that problem with my comp, I can enter 9 digits (see pic)
Hmmmm ..must be related to Vista appearances
If I switch to Windows Standard or Classic ..(XP like) the problem goes away
Using Windows Aero or Windows Vista Basic and the problem occurs. I do believe CB stated that CB10 was compatible with Vista ?!
Of course remember that on my system, CB9 works fine no matter what Vista appearance I use .
Hi, Have you reported the problem to chessbase? I reckon they must be swamped lol .... At least you have a work around which is good to know
Yes as an unofficial beta tester, I have reported everything to CB. Come to think of it, anyone who has purchased the product recently is an unofficial beta tester IMHO.
To be fair, I am now getting consistent feedback from CB which is a new experience :)

>To be fair, I am now getting consistent feedback from CB which is a new experience

Hiya, Does this mean you are getting emails saying your comments etc are being passed on to the programmer? ... That is what I have started getting lol but it is better than being ignored :)
ByTedSummersDate 2008-07-30 20:06Edited 2008-07-30 20:13
Here is the short version of what I recieved about my issue.

Peter Schreiner
ChessBase GmbH
thank you very much for this useful information !
Kind regards
-Peter Schreiner
ChessBase Schachprogramme Schachdatenbank Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Sitz der Gesellschaft: Mexikoring 35 - 22297 Hamburg
Telefon: 040-63 90 60 0 - Fax: 040 630 12 82
GF: Matthias Wüllenweber und Rainer Woisin HR Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 40336 UST-ID-Nr. DE 118644875
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: 'Peter Schreiner / ChessBase' <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: Subject: ChessBase 10
I solved it. The solution was to turn off XP compatibility mode in Vista.
But thanks anyway for your time.
Ted Summers
On Mon, July 28, 2008 1:21 pm, Peter Schreiner / ChessBase wrote:
Peter Schreiner
ChessBase GmbH
Hello Mr. Summers,
thank you very much foryour email.
Description: There is a problem setting engine hash to anything greater
than 786MB, not matter how much memory you have installed. Under CB9 I
can use 3 GB.
ChessBase Schachprogramme Schachdatenbank Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Sitz der Gesellschaft: Mexikoring 35 - 22297 Hamburg
Telefon: 040-63 90 60 0 - Fax: 040 630 12 82
GF: Matthias Wüllenweber und Rainer Woisin HR Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 40336 UST-ID-Nr. DE 118644875
This response I took seriously ..
'Dear Sir,
indeed there are problems with UCI engines and TBs. We apologize for this
inconvenience. We are working on an update which will correct this problem.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards
Mathias Feist'
A more permanent workaround to the issue of 5 digits max in the CB10 'enter number' window is to lower the font size of the windows appearance settings advanced item named 'Message box' .
On my system I lowered it from 9 to 8. Now I am back to what I had in CB9, 7 digits max.
:) :) :)
Still seems strange that you cannot get the 9 digits like I get with XP64
TopicThe Rybka Lounge / Computer Chess / Chessbase 10

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For me, as a professional chess coach, the emergency of every new program for processing chess data is a big event.

Chessbase Reader Windows 10

It is neccessary to study the program carefully to see what advantages it has compared to previous versions of the same program and also to similar programs that already exist on the market. Before, this was a relatively easy task because then new programs brought just a few new possibilities and it was not hard to compare them. Modern programs, like Chessbase 11 has such a large number of options that it is practically very difficult to know all them. That’s why in this article I will only mention the options that are especially useful for a chess coach and a practical player (and will mention only those that are, in my opinion, the most important).

I have been using Chessbase programs from their first “Atari” version and I know well the possibilities of these programs (Chessbase and Fritz). The version Chessbase 10 that I have been using until now is, in my opinion, an excellent chess program (especially with the new update): the player has practically everything that is needed for tournament preparation as well as for abstract preparation. The options are simple and a user has no problems to use them. That’s why I was a little surprised when heard that Chessbase prepared a new version of this program, Chessbase 11. And, of course, professional curiosity forced me to try to understand what is that what is new in this program and I did this using a beta version of the program (which I also did before watching the previous beta versions). So, this summary deals with the beta version of the program (Beta version 2a because the program has not been published on English yet) and I will mention only some of the most important new options of the program. Detailed analysis of the program (all its options) will follow later when the program is published.

When Fritz 12 was published the most often heard remark was that the new interface was a limiting factor because a big number of users simply didn’t want to learn how to use this program properly. This is same when we buy a new car (which is better than our previous car) and, of course, we need some time to learn options on the instrument panel. And nobody complains saying that their old car was better. That’s why I do not take this remark as a serious one especially because of the fact that a user gets used on their new environment only after a few days and this is because it is natural, intuitive and simple. Chessbase 11 is based on the new Microsoft Office based interface just as Fritz 12 and I can say that it is very easy to manage with the new environment. I had no problems when using it for the first time.

It is not needed to work for a long time with this program to understand its big advantages compared to the previous version (Chessbase 10 which is, to remind readers, very good). Though CB 11 has a large number of new possibilities I will mention just those that are most important and that are intended to be used by players and chess coach.

The first thing we can see in the program is that the icons of bases are changed and that there is a much bigger number of icons. This is, of course, important because now we can differentiate between a bigger number of bases (the author of this text strived for this as an addition to the version of Chessbase 10).

Maybe there will be users that will not consider the change of icons to be important but I would like to say that this helps us make various bases which is very important for players and especially for a coach.

For me, the most important and most interesting is the following new option:

Novelty annotation

If we want to see in what moment in a game was played a novelty e.g. on what move the game was different to the all other played games, we can get the answer for a very short time just by clicking on one icon. And not only this, we get two more answers: What variation is relevant for the variation that we are watching as well as predecessor of this game. And thereby the criteria for defining a variation as a relevant one in this program is different – it is not the principle of the biggest number of played games with this variation any more (which very often cannot give us a correct answer) but it is the number of games played by good players recently. And if we want a game with moves that are most similar to the moves of our own game then we can see it by using the option predecessor. So, with only one click we get almost all the relevant date about opening! This is really a revolutionary novelty and its simplicity and speed are amazing!

The next very important difference to the previous version of the program is that when we look for Reference games now we also get a possibility to see what variation is the main variation e.g. what variation is most often played on top level. This option is significant because when we use a base with a large number of games the pure fact that some move is played many times does not mean much. Much more important is the fact if that move was played on top level.

It should be mentioned that in this version of the program already known options are improved much – I will only mention some of them:

The repertoire database is completely revised which helps players prepare their opening repertoires much simpler and easier.

The functions “Opening report” and “Dossier” are improved much and there is no need to say how much these options are important both for a player and coach.

Chessbase 10 Free Download

For a chess coach most important is to prepare questions of high quality for their students and this version of Chessbase enables them to do that much simpler and easier than the previous versions.

It is also important that the users of this program will always have database remained up-to-date.

This program enables a user to increase or decrease the number of CPU (as in Fritz 12) – from the maximal number that our PC has to only one.

These are only some of the novelties in Chessbase 11 that makes it (besides other well-known options) the best program on the market.

The price and way of ordering this program can be seen on the site