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Solar-PuTTY makes finding a particular session from dozens of session profiles simpler by integrating with Windows Search. Finally, if you reuse the same command scripts, Solar-PuTTY can save and invoke them for you. MobaTek is another company that has developed a free tool to replace PuTTY with modern interface and management. The biggest concern of Putty is the security of the data, but you can also add verification and encryption by using the combination with SSH. This helps shield the connections over the internet. Here we are going to give you some of the best SSh clients for Mac there you go. Solar-PuTTY allows you to import and export your sessions to use on multiple computers. And with a secure FTP connection, you can move files safely between locations. With Solar-PuTTY, you can search for saved sessions directly from your Windows® desktop, even if the application is not running.

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About Solar-PuTTY

Manage remote sessions in a professional way. Connect to any server or device in your network with Solar-PuTTY for Windows from SolarWinds. Experience Solar-PuTTY. Get your free Solar-PuTTY download now!

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Solar Putty For Mac

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